You Shared, We Are Adjusting

Dear Parents, 

Thank you for taking time to participate in the Distance Learning Survey. The survey data has provided us with valuable data that will guide as we move forward in our Distance Learning Communities. The data showed that we need to build more structure into the schedule, provide more live class opportunities, reduce the workload, and use a more uniform delivery system. To do this effectively and efficiently, a schedule change will be made, effective next week, to closely mirror what the Upper School is using. Below is a copy of the new schedule which offers more live sessions, scheduled office hours, and uses shared specials teachers efficiently. You may also click on the image to download a PDF of the new schedule.

I realize that after two weeks some of your students and even families have adjusted to the flexible schedule and the flipped classroom model. Teachers may continue to use some aspects of the flipped education model but will offer three live sessions a week.  Teacher office hours will be at the same time and will not conflict with other classes.   

Students will not have more than five classes on any given day. On Mondays, students will attend only those periods where they take their core classes: Bible, English, Math, Science and History or Geography. The exception to this may be Spanish since it needs to meet as a high school class. Other elective and specials teachers will meet with their classes two times a week in the Tuesday/Thursday or Wednesday/Friday block periods. We also have built in times to give the opportunity to get exercise during PE classes.   

Other things that we are working on include once a week class lunch meeting. We want to provide opportunities for students to engage with each other. We will try to pick one day a week where students can grab their lunch and eat with their friends on a Zoom or Teams meeting. I am also working with some teachers to provide a virtual Spring Banquet for the seventh and eighth grade students. We will not have it ready for the date it was originally scheduled but will plan for an early May date. More information will be given next week.   

As I sit in solitude in my basement office, I realize how much I long for those noisy hallways and lunchroom, the chaos of lunch recess and just getting to see the student’s faces daily. I remain optimistic that we may be back on campus, knowing full well that it may not be possible. I echo Paul’s words in Romans 1:8-12:        

“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you,  because your faith is being reported all over the world.  God, whom I serve  in my spirit in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness  how constantly I remember you  in my prayers at all times;  and I pray that now at last by God’s will  the way may be opened for me to come to you. I long to see you  so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift  to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” 

I do not pretend that I can impart some spiritual gift to make you strong, but I do long for the time when we can all be together again on campus, to mutually encourage each other in our faith. God made even an introvert like me for community. I will continue to pray for a safe and healthy return to campus this year.  

Finally, please continue to pray for the faculty and staff as they make the transition to this more formal schedule. Many of them are juggling young families, lower school children in online school, and transitioning to a new schedule. Please be patient with them as they make this adjustment to their lives.  

In Christ, 

Scott Schroder    


Grateful + An Opportunity


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