Grateful + An Opportunity

Dear Lower School Families,

I am so thankful my family was able to participate in ACA’s tradition of Tenebrae on Good Friday last week. Thank you to Mr. Panagiotacos, Mr. Aitken, Mrs. Wilson and all the other participants who worked together utilizing technology to create a way for us to continue this remembrance tradition for our school and for viewers beyond the ACA community. Jesus’ death was not the end – the grave had no hold on Him! He rose as the victor! 

Thank you for taking time last week to complete the Distance Learning Survey. Your feedback is important to us. I appreciate all the positive feedback and recommendations for improvement. I am in the process of meeting with the teachers at each grade level to share this positive feedback and communicate ways in which we can improve our distance learning communities. Your continued patience as we make adjustments at each grade level is appreciated. 


I keep reading news stories about people who are utilizing this quarantine time to learn a new skill or begin a new hobby or learn how to play an instrument. How about learning a new language, such as French or Spanish? We have two opportunities available. Through our ACA Excel program, your child can learn a new language. ACA parent, Mrs. Abril Medrano, is teaching Spanish and ACA alum, Mrs. Naomi Belz Schindler, is teaching French. The cost is $80 and all lessons are recorded so they can be viewed at your convenience. 

Any families interested in joining these classes should contact Mrs. Cheryl Forester by email – and she will help you get started.  


This week’s chapel is available for viewing. Your child’s teacher will send a link to watch or students can access the videos through classroom Teams. What a privilege it is to continue to share God’s Word through music and a message each week. As the students know, this is my favorite activity.


I feel blessed to be able to attend many classes each day and interact with the students and teachers. This week I enjoyed watching a student show his classmates a ramp he made and how he uses it to jump with his bicycle. He got on his bike, jumped the ramp, and stuck a sweet landing! That’s not something I would experience in a traditional classroom setting. However, through our distance learning communities, I have been given the opportunity to connect with students in unique ways and I am thoroughly enjoying these precious moments with your children.


I encourage you to share prayer requests with us as the LS staff prays regularly for our families. Also, we love seeing pictures of the fun things going on in your homes! 



Susan Montgomery


Phases of a Disaster


You Shared, We Are Adjusting