Upper School Update


Dear Upper School Parents and Students,

Welcome back to school! Life seems to change quickly, doesn’t it? Only three weeks prior to today, we were still tentatively planning on Winterim trips, internships and classes. As of Monday, we have fully transitioned to Distance Learning Communities (DLCs) from K4 through twelfth grade. This has left our heads spinning, but we are slowly finding a new normal. I commend your students for their composure and attentiveness during the first week back to school. We are committed to partnering with you as much as possible through this season, however long it lasts.

Just to bring you up to speed on how quickly things have progressed, here is a timeline of just over the past month:

COVID-19 Timeline.png

On the one hand, it is an amazing feat to transition so quickly to an online format. On the other hand, I am not surprised, since I work with an amazing group of committed educators who believe deeply in accomplishing the school’s mission – through whatever means necessary! On Monday, it was an incredible blessing to see students connecting with one another, face-to-face, after a long hiatus. I am optimistic that we will make the most of the coming weeks. I have listed some FAQs below for your convenience. Please don’t hesitate to reach out as needed.

Will school be back on campus this year?

Dr. George will regularly address this question in his Friday Firesides. The school’s official position is to take this process a couple weeks at a time. We will extend that return date, as needed, through the Friday Firesides, which will be sent on Fridays. As an independent school, we have the flexibility to adjust to the current context as things are changing so rapidly.

What will happen with Tenebrae, the musical, Senior Appreciation Chapel, graduation, etc.?

Dr. George addresses some of these questions in his Fireside. It saddens me deeply to consider the possibility that some these celebrations will be done remotely or be pushed into the summer. These are the most important and formative ceremonies of the year. We will continue to hope for the best, but we will be working hard to consider alternative plans should that be necessary.

Will I receive refunds for Winterim, spring sports, FLIK, etc.?

All questions about refunds will flow through the business office. As is the case for most businesses during this time, we are making arrangements to follow up with these inquiries as soon as we are able.

What can I do to help?

There are a couple of things: First, there will be a survey sent out in the near future. It will be helpful to receive information on what is working and what is not. While nothing will be perfect, your insights (with your student’s input) will be extremely helpful to fix what we can control. Second, please be patient with us. This is a steep learning curve! I have no doubt that we will make mistakes along the way, so your flexibility and grace is appreciated. Finally, encourage your students to be up and engaged with live class sessions as often as we are able to provide this. We know that online learning is more difficult than face-to-face learning, but this is a unique opportunity to practice ownership. Active participation (ex. sitting up in a well-lit space) will always have better results than passive participation (ex. sitting in bed with the lights out). Most children (and especially adolescent children) need structure. This experience will serve them well into their college years. 

What technology will we utilize?

Email - we will use the contact emails you provided in RenWeb/FACTS SIS.

Microsoft 365 and Teams - online program for managing classes, assignments, content, tests, quizzes, calendars, and file sharing.

RenWeb/FACTS SIS - our online school database and the primary means of posting grades/assignments.

Moodle – Online classroom management

Zoom - an online communication tool for video recording and video conferencing

What should I do if I need tech support?

Email techinfo@ashevillechristian.org. This account is monitored by more than one person and will be responded to quickly.

What should I do if I need help with fall scheduling or college guidance?

Course request meetings will be handled using Teams or over the phone. Individualized assistance will be provided by phone or email from our scheduling team. Please contact Keri Boer (keri.boer@ashevillechristian.org) or Joe Hagan (joe.hagan@ashevillechristian.org) to set up an appointment. Email communication will inform students of collegiate information and any testing changes.

Will class grades/ GPA be the same for 4th quarter?

While all schools are approaching this differently (and some colleges/universities are giving the option for pass/fail), ACA is still holding to our traditional grading metrics.  While there will likely be fewer tests (or at least in a different format) and increased participation requirements (though not always synchronous), we want to hold the tension between accountability and grace.  Exams are still scheduled, but more information about them will come out at the end of April.

What will happen with AP testing?

The AP exam test dates have moved to May 11-22. The exams can be taken at home or in school if they reopen. There is a lot of good information on posted by the College Board here: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/about-ap/news-changes/coronavirus-update. Please read this update if your child takes an AP class.

Final Thoughts

We appreciate your continued trust in Asheville Christian Academy as we seek to fulfill our mission during these unusual times. We hope to return to on-campus classes as soon as it is safe to do so as determined by the CDC and our state and local health departments, but we are all waiting together - everyone across the nation. Despite the obstacles that we may face here or there, I am constantly amazed by the community support and the incredible technology that makes this possible. While we do not know what is in store for us, we do know that Christ is preeminent.


Wade Tapp


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