Autonomous Learning Tips


  1. Don’t have your phones with you while “in class.”

  2. Utilize your extra time strategically. You may want to consider getting started on an assignment with the time you have before the next class starts.

  3. Have your cameras up! I know it doesn’t replace face-to-face interactions, but it can help promote engagement and feeling connected.

Additional Reminders:

  • Homework is posted each Monday on RenWeb for the week.

  • Reach out to teachers if you are overwhelmed or have questions/concerns. They love you and want to hear from you and support you.

  • Seniors – We are committed to celebrating you at the end of the year. We will make decisions and communicate by May 1. Feel free to share thoughts and ideas with your SG representatives.

  • I plan to meet with groups of students in Teams, starting with Seniors, to collect feedback and questions. I look forward to chatting with each of you.


Wade Tapp


The Flipped Classroom


Upper School Update