Nurturing a Love of Learning
Lower School Curriculum
The lower school curriculum is designed to promote a Biblically centered, age-appropriate course of study. Every subject is presented through the lens of the Bible and is intended to develop and nurture the whole child – spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and socially.
The focus of the lower school Bible program is the establishment of spiritual foundations. The teacher plays a primary role in modeling, nurturing, and instructing students in order to instill in them a love of God and His Word. The students are introduced to biblical history, major characters and the redemptive plan of God throughout the Old and New Testaments. Biblical principles are applied to daily life. Recognizing the developmental stages of lower school children, the teacher employs a variety of methods in teaching the Bible curriculum.
Language Arts
The lower school language arts program is based on a child’s God-given capacity to learn language. Recognizing the developmental stages of children, the teachers implement a curriculum that begins with concrete experiences, focusing on activities that encourage children to communicate. A multi-sensory approach cultivates the relationship between the spoken and written word. A skills-based program with a phonetic approach establishes the students’ foundation in language arts. This program includes an emphasis on vocabulary development, classic and contemporary literature, and writing. The students learn to apply reading and writing skills across the content areas. This foundation assists the students in developing higher order thinking skills.
The lower school mathematics program is designed to prepare students for successful mathematical achievement in the middle and upper school by providing a foundation for meeting the mathematical demands of a college preparatory academy, as well as everyday life, with confidence and accuracy. Biblical integration in the study of mathematics involves concepts such as God’s concern about numbers, man’s ability to understand, and the value of mathematics as a subject.
The lower school program gradually blends and balances its approach beginning with the use of concrete models, moving to the pictorial, then leading to the abstract. The mathematics program emphasizes both learning by doing and skill building through mastery of basic facts and concepts.
The lower school teachers utilize the inquisitive nature of children and their wonder of God’s creation as they present an overview of science in the light of God’s Word. Age-appropriate content, vocabulary, and scientific explorations introduce the areas of life, earth, and physical science. Hands-on activities, independent investigations, and teacher-directed demonstrations clarify concepts and help the children make connections between familiar ideas and scientific principles. The lower school science program is intended to establish a foundation of knowledge and methods while providing opportunities for future scientific inquiry.
History and Geography
At Asheville Christian, the teaching of a Christian worldview begins with a biblical framework. Lower School students are taught that all is God’s and that God is the creator and sustainer of His world. All history is under God’s authority and He is actively engaged in it. Students hear the language of creation, fall, and redemption and understand its implications. Students become aware of place, time, and historical sequence. World knowledge begins with an understanding of community and extends to God’s entire world. Students compare diverse cultures, lands, and people groups, and gain an awareness of God’s kingdom worldwide. Exposure to anthropology, history, geography, and current events builds an understanding of God’s providence in the past, present, and future.
In addition to the above courses, which form the core of the lower school curriculum, students have classes in physical education, art, music, computer, and library.