US Still Going Strong

Dear Parents,

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey and even send emails with additional feedback. We have had a lot of data to go through in a short amount of time, so I apologize if my responses have been short or delayed. This will be helpful in making decisions to chart a path forward. Please know that this is not the last time that we will ask for information from you. This is a process of improvement – not an attempt at a quick fix.

There has been a lot going on despite our not being physically present with one another. First, a shout out is in order for all those who participated in preparing the Tenebrae service. What an incredible production this was, especially to be pulled off in an incredibly short amount of time! Second, it has been so good to see seniors as they picked up their caps and gowns, took pictures, and painted the rock (all while social distancing). A handful of teachers were even able to sit in the stands, cheering them on during this event! A special thanks is owed to Mrs. Erin Winter for her efforts in coordinating this. Third, if you have been watching social media, you may be aware of the US faculty’s efforts to celebrate seniors. These surprise gestures are our attempt to express appreciation to the class of 2020 during this tumultuous time. There is much to be thankful for despite the circumstances.

Senior Rock 3.0'.jpg

There are still many events to plan, such as award ceremonies, appreciation chapels, student government elections, and of course Baccalaureate/Graduation.  We are moving quickly to organize and communicate about these events as we come up with plans (and the contingency plans that seem necessary these days). You should be aware of a special “advisory” period that will be held at 1:00 on this coming Monday, April 20. Students will be divided into small groups and will have the opportunity to speak with teachers in order to offer feedback/reflections on their experiences. While surveys were sent home to parents, it is also important that high school students have a voice for their own experiences. Student surveys for class evaluations will also be going out to our students on Monday. I’ll be getting those ready this weekend, so students should watch for an email from me early next week. I have been chatting with small groups of seniors (and will continue those meetings into the coming weeks) and have found them helpful.

There is more that could be said, but I know how we are all feeling about screen time these days, so I will keep my message short. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything that I can do for you, and reach out to Mrs. Erin Winter ( as well. She has been instrumental in helping to prioritize the various inquiries that have come our way during this season. It is a pleasure to continue this partnership with you.


Wade Tapp


Words of Worship & Encouragement


Phases of a Disaster