Distance Learning Best Practices

Dear Lower School Families,

As we complete another full week of Distance Learning Communities, I would like to share some good reminders about best practices to review with your children in a distant learning model:

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  1. Set up a learning area. Ideally, the location should be quiet and free from distractions. Students should avoid using the couch or bed as a place to get schoolwork done. Televisions and video games should be turned off.

  2. Cameras should be kept on during meetings or instructional times. This will help keep students engaged throughout each session.

  3. Students should keep their microphones muted unless the teacher asks them to unmute. This helps all students in the class hear the teacher better.

  4. Set a schedule and establish a good routine. Teachers create daily schedules for students. Stick to the schedule as best as you can. Make sure you build in breaks, lunch time, and outside active play times.

  5. Monitor your child’s screen time, especially social chatting. Even though the teachers have established Recess Channels in Teams, I recommend placing limits on time spent in there and monitor conversations closely. We have eyes watching these channels but additional parent eyes are extremely helpful.

  6. Communicate with the teachers. The teachers are present to help students daily. If they have questions about an assignment, please reach out to the teacher.


In closing, I encourage families to join together on Good Friday to watch ACA’s Tenebrae service @ 7:00 pm.  Let us reflect our minds on the sacrifice Christ made for us. Isaiah 53:4-5 says, “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Then, as we prepare to celebrate Easter this Sunday, let us reflect on what Jesus is doing for our sake even though we cannot see Him. What a privilege we have been given to serve our Living Savior!

I encourage you to reach out directly to me if you have questions, concerns, or feedback to share.  Please also take the time to complete the survey that was sent out on Wednesday. I would love to hear from you and enjoy seeing pictures of your Distance Learning Community!


Susan Montgomery


Guidance Corner


The Flipped Classroom