A Word From Mrs. M

Dear Lower School Families,

Thank you for participating in our LS Parent Chats this week.  It was so good to see you and hear how your families are doing while we are apart.  Here are some items discussed during our parent chats this week:

  • Returning to school in the fall – Although ACA truly desires to begin the year as we traditionally do, we are working on multiple plans based upon state and federal guidelines. 

  • End of year events - Even though the details have not been laid out completely, we look forward to sharing with you in the weeks ahead some special activities to celebrate the end of another fantastic year in Lower School! 

  • Are students fully prepared for the next grade level?  Yes! Lower School has not skipped a beat in this transition from on campus learning to DLCs.  Teachers are following ACA curriculum mapping and covering grade level benchmarks. The learning process continues daily in our DLC format.  

  • Summer workbooks – Will parents have the opportunity to order the optional summer books for students to work on over the summer months. Information regarding ordering below.


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Each year we give parents an opportunity to order a summer workbook for their children.  This is OPTIONAL for those families who wish to purchase one and is a great way to keep skills in math, reading and grammar sharpened over the summer months. Please click here to view the Summer Book Order form. If you are interested in ordering a summer workbook please email your order to molly.mason@ashevillechristian.org. We will be accepting orders until Friday, May 8.  Mail checks to ACA for your order total. It is important that you notate on your check memo line Summer Books. As decisions are made about the end of the year, you will receive instructions on how you will receive your order. 


This week I enjoyed listening to students as they presented book reports in third grade, hearing 4th graders discuss Missions and the 10/40 Window, and observing 5th graders intently learning geometry concepts. It brings joy to my heart hearing about roller skating adventures, fun times with silly string, family bike rides, and family walks in the neighborhood. These fun activities are precious gifts from God. Treasure these moments together.


Isaiah 26:3-4, “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.” Be still and do not fear – He is very present in our lives. He is God!



Susan Montgomery


Middle School Spirit Week


The Tension of Faith